During a tour in public schools, Isaac found himself craving a change in his stage attire. Seizing a moment of creative inspiration, he splattered paint onto a pair of jeans, turning them into a vibrant work of art. To his surprise, when he wore them during a school assembly, students were captivated, and they enthusiastically requested Isaac to design similar jeans for them. This marked the inception of his fabric art paint line.

(Photo by @davidangel13)

Isaac emphasizes that his creative endeavors are inseparable from his core message of global unity, diversity, and harmony. This profound commitment is deeply rooted in his personal experiences; he vividly remembers the ache of exclusion and not feeling like he belonged while growing up. Consequently, he intentionally designs clothing that transcends gender boundaries, as he believes that true creativity must inherently embrace inclusivity

(Photo: Anthony Scotto Owner of Luogo Italian restaurant in Nashville was about Issac’s coat. It matches his decor.)

For Isaac, creativity is synonymous with inclusion, a principle deeply intertwined with his brand. After all, he acknowledges that the universe's creator is a boundlessly creative and inclusive force. Whether adorning repurposed garments with his distinctive paint designs or fashioning new creations from scratch, Isaac's mission is unwavering: to illuminate the world with the radiant message of unity and harmony that beats at the heart of all he does.

My Story

My life has been a journey of discovering my true self. I was sexually abused by multiple men as a child. 90% were within the Church. My earliest memories are of adults saying I was "too pretty to be a boy" and that I "should have been born a girl." In 5th grade, my teacher announced to the class she was changing my name to "Isaac Mae" because I was feminine, not masculine. These attacks did not stop in school but followed me into adulthood. There were always vocal critics trying to erase my true identity relating to my sexuality.

I have spent my life working out my own soul salvation through prayer, meditation and isolation. By God's grace, these practices helped me return to my original self, the person God created me to be. God has blessed me with many gifts and talents in creativity, fashion and voice. My life story happened as it did so the works of God might be displayed through me. My purpose is to add value, empower, enlighten and inspire millions through my God-given gifts. This I know is my calling.

My prayer is that my story brings hope and that my life reflects God's light. I trust in His plan and walk in faith.